Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Here's a picture of Koko the gorilla playing with her pet kitten, which she called Lipstick, of all names!!! Well, she also called her pet bluejay "Tongue"! Koko was a really cool gorilla; she learned a lot of sign language and lived in a trailer and was even being taught how to read and use a computer and draw scribbly pictures. She also had several pets, including her cats. There was a really funny story behind how she got her first cat. She signed to her trainer, Penny Patterson, that she wanted a cat for Christmas. So Penny got her a toy cat. Koko didn't seem to like the cat at all and she threw it around and tried tearing it apart. She was depressed and sulky for a few days, and then she told Penny that she wanted a real cat! She ended up getting a kitten that she called Smokey, but it got hit by a car, so she got Lipstick, the kitten in the photo.


curtis mishleau said...


Anonymous said...

How can someone train a gorilla to speak sighn language?

*Mandy* said...

Well, gorillas are really smart. They do it by repitition. It started out when Koko was just a baby. Whenever they fed her, they made the sign for "eat", until she learned what it meant and how to sign it back. Pretty soon koko caught onto the idea and when they showed her something, they would make the sign for it so she could learn what it was. Pretty soon she knew a lot of sign language.