Friday, June 15, 2007


yesterday I went shopping with my mom. We got cheese and olive pizza and soft serve twist ice cream (my favorite!!!). I found a green shirt that I had been looking for; I also got a cool camera case and some rechargable batteries... the only problem is that I can't find the battery recharger.

I finally got a photobucket account! Photobucket is so helpful! My brother almost killed my camera today! Three times in about 20 minutes! He squirted his water gun at it... He can be really slow.

Well, my camera survived, and I took a bunch of pictures of flowers. Flowers are so pretty and easy to snap! I think I'll post my favorites on here tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

It would be nice to have a camera. I know partally what would happen though. My mom would be like did you get your camera Jared and Andrea? It would be nice to have my own camera though.When my brother got a camera somtime in the night he got up early the next morning and was in my room. I woke up with him taking pictures of me and stuff.He was messing with his camera a lot.

curtis mishleau said...

MY dad bought a 1100 dollar one!!! And it is a realy nice camera~~~!

Anonymous said...

your camera is so cool mandy :)!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your camera Mandy !!!

*Mandy* said...

thanks... I'm sure your camera is a lot better than mine Curtis!

Anonymous said...

yeah really Curtis.