Monday, March 28, 2011

My Ecologcial Footprint

In my Environmental Science class, I got to go to a cool website where I took a quiz that showed me my ecological footprint (see below). You can try it out and find your ecological footprint at

Anyway, it takes 15.7 acres to support my lifestyle and it would take 3.5 Earths to sustain everyone if everyone lived like I did. 10% of the energy goes into food, 15% into shelter, 7% to mobility, 12% to goods, and 56% goes into services. So basically, it doesn't take much to feed or clothe me, but it takes a lot to keep me warm and sheltered and occupied.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


A lot of things have transpired so far this year. A few major things include:


I got ULTRAVIOLET highlights. Now they're just blond highlights.

Then, later, I got a haircut. That was a big deal for me. Last time I had gotten a haircut was like 18 months ago.

Also, I turned 17. My dad got transferred to a new job which is 3 hours away, so I don't see him around as much as before.

I graduate this June. I applied to 5 colleges: Geneva College, Messiah College, Andrews University, Southern Adventist University, Atlantic Union College. I plan to get a double major in Psychology and Spanish.

I guess that's a good note to end on. Toodles, noodles.

I Remember When...

I first got my gerbils almost 2 and a half years ago. One of the first things I did when I brought them home was take their pictures then post them on this blog. I had been wanting gerbils since I was a lot younger. At first I wanted hamsters, but then I found out you only have to clean out gerbils' cages like 2 times a month because they don't smell as bad, and that was definitely an incentive since I knew I did not like cleaning out my guinea pigs' cages every few days.

One day we were at the Living Things pet shop, which is my favorite pet shop in this area because it always had plenty of live animals for me to stare at. This particular day they had gerbils, and I don't know how I convinced my mom, but we impulsively bought Ralph and Roo, and brought them home. They looked so identical that I could never tell them apart, so I just guessed which one was which, the fatter one being Ralph.

Anyway, they grew fat and happy, eating their sunflower seeds every day. Before long, they got tired of cardiorespiratory endurance exercises and instead began weight training. Instead of running on their wheel, they would knock it over. And every night I would fall asleep to them banging the wheel against the glass in one of their brilliant but unsuccessful attempts to escape.

Two days ago, one of their stories ended. I don't know for sure if it was Ralph or Roo that I found lying on the bottom of his cage, blood running from his eyeballs. His death was unexpected and sad. And what made it very strange was that he died on March 14th, and my rabbit Tiddles (which I didn't write an epilogue for) died on February 14th (yeah, my Valentine's Days tend to suck). It makes me wonder what will happen on April 14th.