Saturday, February 2, 2008

This Sabbath

Well today was great... our youth class (well most of it anyway) went on a day's outing. My sister and friend Korah and I slept over at our SS teacher's house because they live close to the church and we had to be there real early. Yeah so we woke up at like 5:00 a.m. and I was kind of tired the whole day cuz of that. Anyway sabbath school and church and potluck were very nice, and then afterwards we went to the Conowingo Dam in Maryland to see bald eagles... I did end up seeing at least a dozen... I think more though... we got some pictures, that I'll try to upload and post tomorrow. And while we weren't looking for eagles we hung out along the river bank... then in the evening wewent to this interesting restaurant/deli called Issac's. The food was okay, we got soda and two personal pizzas and split them and ice cream for dessert. well i guess it's bedtime now *yawn* (more like long past bedtime...) so good night!