Tuesday, February 19, 2008


A few weeks ago one of my fish had babies... she died a few days afterwards and I thought all of her babies had died, but then one day I looked into the tank and saw a very mini fish being chased by one of the larger tank residents. Anyway so we took out junior and put him into an old betta tank and he (or she, can't tell yet) has been doing just fine. He's about a fourth of an inch long but you can see his tail is darker and his body is getting reddish-orange if you look close. Anyway, I hope he grows fast and that my sister's fish will give birth soon too so he can have some company. =) I found out that in 8-12 weeks he will be big enough to put back in with the other fish.


Jade Christine said...

Aww..thats so neat!! I used to have fish..but I'm really bad with them. The only time I really had a fish was when I had 2 goldfish in a beta tank. They both only lived for a few weeks, because they died when I transported them..:(..Soooo..I flushed 'em down the toilet...bye bye fishies!! LOL!