Friday, December 28, 2007
Posted by *Mandy* at 8:07 PM 3 comments
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Elephant Stew
Here is an old recipe my mom just dug out of the cupboard. My grandma sent it to her.
Elephant Stew
1 Elephant
2 rabbits (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste
Brown Gravy (lots and lots)
Bay Leaves to taste
Apple Cider (lots and lots)
Cut elephant into bite-size pieces (this will take about 2 months). Marinate in lots of apple cider. Add enough gravy to cover. Add spices. Cook over kerosene fire for 4 weeks at 444 degrees or 'til tender. This will serve approximately 3,799 people. If more are expected, the 2 rabbits may be added, but, do this only if necessary, because most people do not like hare in their stew.
haha perhaps you'd like to try making it?
Posted by *Mandy* at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
My new music playlist
It's on the sidebar... the green box. It won't play automatically, so if you want to hear any of the songs I've put on it so far, please push the play button. :) I'm planning on adding some more soon so be sure to come back and check for updates...
Posted by *Mandy* at 4:07 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
Handel's Messiah
Last Friday night I went with some friends to BMA (the infamous local SDA academy) to see, and hear of course, their Handel's Messiah program. It was really nice, my favorite songs were "Drummer Boy" and the "Carol of the Bells". I wish I'd have recorded it. Of course they did a lot of other songs but I only recorded 3. I'd post them on here but I keep trying and the upload is taking forever...
I'm going to try adding a playlist of songs in the sidebar. I really like classical and it is good for your brain so yeah it'll probably be mostly classical pieces.
My parents are getting me a keyboard for Christmas. It's a Yamaha. I wanted either a Yamaha or a Casio so this should be nice. They are out of stock but I should get it by my birthday at least. I'd like to take lessons too.
Posted by *Mandy* at 4:17 PM 1 comments
Labels: classical, Handel's Messiah, music, piano
100th post!
I didn't realize it til now but my last post was my 100th post! yay... but wow what a 100th post.
Posted by *Mandy* at 2:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
My rabbit died last Sabbath... I've never had a pet die before. I really miss him. I still can hardly believe it. He was the sweetest bunny ever. We are going to get a new rabbit or two if we can find them (lop eared of course).
Posted by *Mandy* at 3:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 7, 2007
Today's post
Wow Christmas is coming up pretty soon! Tomorrow our church is doing a Christmas program (I think it's a little early, but anyway). I'm in the church choir, which will be performing. And afterwards there's going to be a social with a white elephant gift exchange and a talent show. I'll be playing a duet on piano with my friend and I'll be accompanying my sis on piano while she plays violin and recorder. I would have liked to get a little more practice in, but I guess we'll do that tomorrow too.
I got this video of my rabbit jumping up a flight of our stairs.
Wow I wish I could hop that fast!
Awww my rabbit and dog are pals. My dog even loves eating apples now, I think he might have learned that from the rabbit LOL .
Friday, November 30, 2007
I had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I have so much to be thankful for!
Posted by *Mandy* at 9:55 PM 1 comments
My computer
I got a new computer! It is a Windows Vista manufactured by Gateway. It's actually not new, it's refurbished, but so far it's doing great! =) I'm looking forward to installing the wireless router so I can use the internet on it. I'm so excited to finally have my own computer!!! I just hope I don't get tempted to spend too much time on it.
Posted by *Mandy* at 9:51 PM 2 comments
Labels: computer, electronics
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Free Rice
My sister found this website, It's a game where you learn vocabularly words, and for each word you get right, the website (sponsored by different buisnesses) donate ten grains of rice to a hungry person. Today, it took me a while, but I donated ten thousad grains of rice. That's more than a cup. I figured out there are 9600 grains of rice in a cup. Anyway, you can click on the banner in this post or the one in the sidebar to go there.
Posted by *Mandy* at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Mas nieve!!!

Posted by *Mandy* at 11:06 AM 4 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
It has finally snowed here!!!!! So far there is only an inch or so out there but it is still falling... what makes it even more beautiful is that most of the trees still have their colorful leaves on them, and it is like winter and autumn at the same time. Here's a slideshow of some pictures I took...
sorry it has the Ratatouille border but photobucket wouldn't let me make the slideshow any other way.
Posted by *Mandy* at 11:43 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I'm back
Well I'm back already. We did spend an extra day there in Virginia Beach. We went to the aquarium, I got to pet stingrays and a horse shoe crab, that was fun, we watched a 3D movie on ocean dinosaurs, that was cool, and I think I had some pizza every day, lol! I also fed seagulls, watched television (I don't get to do that very often!), walked by the beach, saw an ocean sunrise, and... got a a big wad of gum glumped in my hair (that is something I'm glad doesn't happen very often!). Yeah it was a nice vacation for the most part. And the afternoon we got back I also went to the Fall Fest at BMA, which was quite fun too, except by the end of the day I was sooooo worn out.
Well not too much else has been going on here now unfortunately. At least nothing of interest...
Posted by *Mandy* at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Virginia Beach
We're leaving for Virginia Beach in just a few minutes! Wish me fun! I hope the trip doesn't seem too long. I'm kind of freaked about having to go through that long tunnel under the Delaware River. Yeah I've been in a long tunnel under a river before, but it was kind of creepy that time too. And kind of neat. We got a hotel room by the Beachfront, it's in the Dolphin Inn. I thought that was a sweet name. It will be too cold to go swimming in the ocean so we're going to go swimming in the hotel pool instead (at least I won't have to get sand stuck in my swimsuit like last time, and taste that disgusting tasting ocean water!). And I think we're going to go to the VA Beach Aquarium and other stuff maybe too. It's too bad we have only one full day to spend there. Well the van may be ready to leave without me, so long!
p.s I'm bringing my camera so expect some pictures when I return!
Posted by *Mandy* at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I think too little about what I do and then after I do it I think too much about what I did and then I feel so stupid that I wish I were small enough to crawl under a leaf...
Posted by *Mandy* at 2:18 PM 0 comments
We're leaving for Virginia Beach day after tomorrow... I'm excited! Anyway, there's a lot of other things I have to look forward to in the next several months, and some things that I'm not so looking forward to.
Posted by *Mandy* at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 26, 2007
Thanks to my sister, I finally slept a wink last night. ;) She woke me up this morning because something was wrong with her computer. I won't go into detail, but she almost lost everything on there. Including the newsletter, which would have been really sad. I prayed about it and two hours later, tech support finally helped her do something about it. PTL!
Posted by *Mandy* at 10:34 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 25, 2007
smile =)
I was looking at this picture and I noticed that this volvox colony (it's a colony of microscopic organisms) looks kind of like a smilie face!
It's amazing how God made even the tiny things so detailed! I wonder if he made this one look like this just for me to see! =)
Posted by *Mandy* at 3:58 PM 0 comments
poor little guy
My poor betta fish died yesterday. He was pretty old, almost two years old. I can't even remember his name! He wasn't the most special fish I had, and I didn't cry when he died like I did with most of my other dead pets (which were all fish, and once a mouse). I used to bury my dead fish in our garden... Our other betta fish, Pearl, is still alive even though she is more than two years old, which is very old for a betta fish. I hope she'll live for a while yet.
I just hate seeing any animal die. My dream is to be a veterinarian!
Posted by *Mandy* at 12:09 PM 3 comments
Mi pobre ojos!
*YAWN* It's 11:? in the morning and I wish I had slept in til 11+ next morning! I don't know when I got to sleep last night. I had things to do, and I must not have slipped into bed until the wee hours. Yeah so today my poor eyeballs hurt so bad! I've decided not to wear my contact lenses because that will just make it worse. And I never wear my glasses because they are annoying and they hurt my eyes and give me an awful headache. owwwww...
my eyeballs are as red
as they are blue
I need some more sleep
so toodaloo
Posted by *Mandy* at 11:10 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The other day my family and I (all but my sister) went to the park to play frisbee. We have two of the Aerobie pro flying rings (I found the picture of one at left on google). They're really fun to throw back and forth and its actually good exercise, especially if the people throwing it to you don't have a very good throw, lol, then you have to run after it! They can sting a little if they hit you, but they're easier to catch than regular frisbees. And they fly really nice too, and can go very far. In fact, the world guiness record for frisbee throwing was made with one of these frisbees.
Posted by *Mandy* at 12:22 PM 1 comments
Labels: frisbee
New Template
Yeah, I got tired of the old template, even though I love purple. How do you like the polka dots? I wanted to edit a template but since I don't know how to do anything but wild guesses with html and all that lovely computer lingo... I guess that will have to wait or not happen at all. Not like anyone cares, no one visits my blog anyway (understandably).
Posted by *Mandy* at 12:14 PM 4 comments
Sunday, October 14, 2007
What I've been doing in Biology lately
In Biology class I'm studying microscopic life. I took these pictures of some of the things I saw under the microscope. More to come!
![]() ![]() | ![]() ![]() |
Posted by *Mandy* at 6:55 PM 0 comments
My baptism
Three Sabbaths ago, on September 29, I was baptized. I should have posted something on it before but as you might have noticed, I'm not much into blogging lately. My sister put together a nice video compilation of it, so I'll see about putting that up soon...
Posted by *Mandy* at 2:44 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 24, 2007
no gusto
escuela es no mi favorita cosa trabajer en!!! soy no puedo recuerde mucho espanol! =`(
Posted by *Mandy* at 2:29 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 24, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
On Saturday night my family a a few friends went to this fundraiser thing, I guess, by our local public school called A Night in the Country. There wasn't too much to do except walk around and buy food. The reason we went though was because at 10:00 they had a fireworks display, probably the best I've ever been to. We were so close that a bunch of ash from the fireworks was falling on us. So we kept the biggest pieces as souveniors. We took some pictures and videos.
Posted by *Mandy* at 7:37 PM 1 comments
Computer back up!!!
Well my dad finally got the computer back up and running. The ridiculous Spy sweeper program was having numerous issues but now after a few days of waiting, we have it figured out. I just got on, but my dad said a few of the programs may have been uninstalled when he rebooted the system so I suppose I'll have to check everything out...
Posted by *Mandy* at 10:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: computer
Thursday, August 16, 2007
interior decorating
Alyssa and I want to redecorate or room. We want to paint the walls alternating soft green and soft pink, with horse and horseshoe stencils and get new bed sets with horses on them. And our bathroom we'll probably sponge paint either light blue or soft green or both, and decorate it with either cherries or fish. I don't know when this is going to happen, hopefully this fall or something.
My brother is starting school this Monday. It is going to be good to get rid of him for a while.
well that's all for now.
Posted by *Mandy* at 5:45 PM 2 comments
My friend Korah is coming over this evening! It will be fun; we are going to rearrange our room, among other things of course.
I might be starting 9th grade tomorrow. If not then, then probably this upcoming Monday. I'm taking Social Studies 9, English 9, Algebra 1 (retaking it since cyber school didn't teach it well enough), Biology, and Spanish 1.
Well I'm going to go make a pineapple pie. It's a really nice easy recipe and it tastes good. I might post it on here later.
Posted by *Mandy* at 5:37 PM 1 comments
Watch out for this scam. Police say that the gang usually comprises four members, one adult and three younger ones. While the three younger ones, all appearing sweet and innocent, divert their "mark" (or intended target) with a show of friendliness , the fourth -- the eldest -- sneaks in from behind the person's back to expertly rifle through his or her pockets and purses or bags for any valuables being carried. Click on the link below to see a picture, taken from CCTV, showing the gang in operation.
Posted by *Mandy* at 5:29 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Wow, walking is a good way to exercise; I don't think I'm felt this good for a year or two! I'm not good at most sports, but if there's three sports I'd like to take up, they'd be swimming, horseback-riding, and walking, maybe running after a while.
oh btw I finally cleaned off my desk, it's a load off my mind!
Posted by *Mandy* at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Today I took a walk with my mom, my dad, and my dog. It was about a one-hour walk, and I think we walked about four miles. We always walk up to this horse farm. The horses are really sweet, two especially, a palamino and a brownish-gray one. They walk up to the gate and fence and let you pet them and they love to eat grass out of our hands. I want to bring them a carrot or apple next time, maybe. I don't know if that would be right, or if they're allowed to have them. My dad met the people who owned them while he was on a walk once. He says they have twin girls in high school.
I'm planning on taking riding lessons next spring. I really want to get horses someday. I think I'd prefer to get a palomino, or a pinto, but I'd be happy with any color, really.
Posted by *Mandy* at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
back home
Well, we got back home from Andrea's house early this morning. like 4:30 a.m.
We'd been driving all night and most of the evening.
I had a great time while we were there. I'll be posting pictures and more about what we did later.
Posted by *Mandy* at 11:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Indiana, here I come!!!!!!
I can't believe it! Tomorrow I'll be seeing my best friend, Andrea, who I haven't seen in 2 years! And it's only an 11 hour trip... We should be staying at her house for two full days and two parts-of-days and three nights. We're going to have so much fun!
Posted by *Mandy* at 3:31 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Of all the times for me to get an injury... I was just walking up the stairs when out of nowhere my ankle gave me a turn. I think I might have blacked out for just a second. Now my ankle hurts whenever I move it at all but it feels numb when I don't move it and it's really starting to frustrate me. Why couldn't it have waited until next weekend?????????
Posted by *Mandy* at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 29, 2007
All I know right now is that I'm very hungry, sort of thirsty, hot and sticky, and not feeling too well, but I'm so busy... how much can you get done in a day, or rather half a day?
Posted by *Mandy* at 1:32 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Posted by *Mandy* at 5:16 PM 4 comments
baby sparrows
Yesterday I was out in our yard throwing a ball for my dog when I saw a bird fly by, quite close, with a bug in its mouth. It landed on a bush and started cheaping at me. I kind of figured that there was a nest around, so I started looking, and this is what I found:
There were three babies.
I think he was trying to tell me to go away, lol!
Posted by *Mandy* at 3:21 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Cabellas is a really cool sports store. I've visited it several times. It has a lot of different kinds of animals that have been taxidermified (stuffed). There are deer, bighorn sheep, bears, lions, antelope, and even an elephant, plus a whole lot of other animals and an aquarium with live fish. I took as many pictures as I could, but we were kind of in a hurry, so I'll be going back another time to take more pictures and look around some more. but anyway, here are some slides of pictures I took there...
Posted by *Mandy* at 9:11 PM 1 comments
We saw these geese while we were camping at a park in Newport News, VA. there were a few other families of geese too and some deer that ran away before we could get a picture.
Posted by *Mandy* at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 13, 2007
Busch Gardens.
Well I just woke up and it's around 12:45 p.m. that's because last night our family arrived home at 4:06 a.m. I guess it was a pretty good trip, except that the floor of our van was covered with pringles crumbs as the result of a potato chip fight that lala and brent had yesterday morning, and there were damp towels all over the place, and my dad was being a potty-mouth and there were too many sharp turns in the road. But I got a fountain Sierra Mist and a chocolate bar and I survived. When we got home my sister's poor fish Taylor was deceased and I missed my rabbit and my dog and my bettas, but we're getting 2 new goldfish and I'll be seeing all my other pets again within 2 or 3 days.
As for the time at Busch Gardens, I didn't take many pictures because I didn't want to break my camera and I wasn't allowed to take loose articles on most of the rides and i wouldn't want to lose my loose articles anyway, so I didn't bring it. Plus it would have just gotten wet anyway. My sister brought her camera one day, though, the last day we went. She took some sweet pictures and a video of a cute lorikeet bird in the aviary, named Chomp, who seemed to have taken a fancy to her sunglasses, and later on my watch and her camera!!!
My favorite ride at Busch Gardens was their newest roller coaster, called the Griffon. It went over 70 mph, The best part of it was when the car went straight down 205 feet!!! It was the coolest sensation, that made you feel like you were falling. I guess you really were, it just caught you at the bottom. It was the feeling you get in your gut when you're in a car and it goes over a hill and makes you feel like you're flying, except it lasted longer. and some parts you went upside down and it was just totally awesome. The ride was named after this mythical creature, the griffon, that's supposed to be part lion, part eagle. There were some on Narnia and they were one of my favorite charactars. My sister bought a big griffon stuffy and she clawed me a smaller one from one of those arcade machines. I liked all the other rides too.
Well that's all for now. I'll write more on what we did later.
Posted by *Mandy* at 1:05 PM 3 comments
Thursday, July 5, 2007
pictures I've taken recently

A pair orange roses which I thought were just beautiful...
Posted by *Mandy* at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Here today... gone Tomorrow
yep that's right. I'm leaving tomorrow. It was supposed to be today but now it's early tomorrow morning. So my family and I are going to Busch Gardens and Virginia Beach, and as to save money, we'll be camping next to a lake instead of renting a hotel room. I think we'll be fine as long as Lanaya and Brentley don't fall into the water and maybe drown (like my mom thinks they will!). Even if they I still think I'd have a great time. no jk but who wouldn't have fun at Busch Gardens!? WOOHOO!!!!!
Posted by *Mandy* at 8:20 PM 1 comments
Labels: Busch Gardens
Friday, June 15, 2007
yesterday I went shopping with my mom. We got cheese and olive pizza and soft serve twist ice cream (my favorite!!!). I found a green shirt that I had been looking for; I also got a cool camera case and some rechargable batteries... the only problem is that I can't find the battery recharger.
I finally got a photobucket account! Photobucket is so helpful! My brother almost killed my camera today! Three times in about 20 minutes! He squirted his water gun at it... He can be really slow.
Well, my camera survived, and I took a bunch of pictures of flowers. Flowers are so pretty and easy to snap! I think I'll post my favorites on here tomorrow.
Posted by *Mandy* at 6:39 PM 6 comments
Labels: camera, camera case, photobucket
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I took all these this morning with my new camera. I guess they're pretty good for me... I'm normally a pretty bad photographer and my photos turn out blurry... Flowers are the easieist subject, even though videos of my bunny were funny! I should post a few if I can figure out how to.
Well I'm going outside to look for some four-leaf clovers. Then I'm going to bartar my mom into letting me have ice cream.
Posted by *Mandy* at 2:06 PM 1 comments