Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I'm back

Well I'm back already. We did spend an extra day there in Virginia Beach. We went to the aquarium, I got to pet stingrays and a horse shoe crab, that was fun, we watched a 3D movie on ocean dinosaurs, that was cool, and I think I had some pizza every day, lol! I also fed seagulls, watched television (I don't get to do that very often!), walked by the beach, saw an ocean sunrise, and... got a a big wad of gum glumped in my hair (that is something I'm glad doesn't happen very often!). Yeah it was a nice vacation for the most part. And the afternoon we got back I also went to the Fall Fest at BMA, which was quite fun too, except by the end of the day I was sooooo worn out.

Well not too much else has been going on here now unfortunately. At least nothing of interest...