Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Today I took a walk with my mom, my dad, and my dog. It was about a one-hour walk, and I think we walked about four miles. We always walk up to this horse farm. The horses are really sweet, two especially, a palamino and a brownish-gray one. They walk up to the gate and fence and let you pet them and they love to eat grass out of our hands. I want to bring them a carrot or apple next time, maybe. I don't know if that would be right, or if they're allowed to have them. My dad met the people who owned them while he was on a walk once. He says they have twin girls in high school.

I'm planning on taking riding lessons next spring. I really want to get horses someday. I think I'd prefer to get a palomino, or a pinto, but I'd be happy with any color, really.