Friday, September 19, 2008


I had this cool new fish, named Gracie, who was see-through in some spots. You could see her swim bladder and gills and best of all, her brain! I'd never been able to see what was going on in something's head before! But it all ended for her when she broke out with ich, it's like fish pox. And she died this morning. Opal is still alive and she looks like she's made it through the worse. It was really sad though that she lost her friend because when they were sick they would seriously lie down next to each other on the bottom of the tank and they looked so sweet. I would say poor Gracie but the dead know nothing so poor Opal! She must be traumatized after the loss of her two best friends in just a few weeks.


Anonymous said...

That's not goood! :) Maybe you can get another one and name it junior gracie!