Monday, May 25, 2009


Lately I've been spending time and uploading photos on facebook and I had almost forgotten that I had a blog... so I think it's my blog's turn for some attention now! Well, the photos I'm putting up are from almost 3 weeks ago... My family and I, of course, were in the area so we went to a place called Centralia... it was supposed to be a ghost town but that aspect of it wasn't impressive because all the houses that had been abandoned had been torn down long ago and some people stayed in their houses so it didn't really seem like a ghost town... but the reason why those people who left, left, is a little fire that began in 1962- and is still burning... underground. u c, it was a coalmining town, but somehow the coal mine accidentally got set on fire... anyways, with plenty of fuel to keep it going, the fire is still burning, and in some places, such as a section of the highway in the area, the ground caved and smoked and stuff. It was really neat and eerie especially since it was pretty overcast when we went to see it.
^you can see why the road had to be closed^
Here Alyssa seems to be quite enthusiastic about the smoke she has found venting from the earth.
*cough, cough*
We were wondering why this house had five chimneys?
Wind power!
The crack in the highway...

My strong sister
I caught my brother trying to sneak into the graveyard! He looks very guilty doesn't he?

^Little old me
Well that's all for now... I'm all done in.


Popular News said...

it does look like a ghost town. lol