Friday, March 28, 2008

Prayer request

Can you please pray for one of our new rabbits, Chloe? She has a condition with her eye called weepy eye, it's basically a blocked tear duct (it has pus coming out that mats the fur along her eye). It's not too serious unless it doesn't get better and if we can't get it better soon my mom says we'll have to give her back to the breeder for a refund, which I really really do not want to do, because I and her sister Missy would just miss her sooooo much! :'( We've found a few things that are supposed to help it get better, so can you please pray that they'll work? Thanks!


Jade Christine said...

Awwww! Poor Bunny! I'll pray for her.

Anonymous said...

I"ll be praying for Chloe. :D

Anonymous said...

awe Mandy, i hope chole, chloe is better !!!!