Friday, March 28, 2008

Prayer request

Can you please pray for one of our new rabbits, Chloe? She has a condition with her eye called weepy eye, it's basically a blocked tear duct (it has pus coming out that mats the fur along her eye). It's not too serious unless it doesn't get better and if we can't get it better soon my mom says we'll have to give her back to the breeder for a refund, which I really really do not want to do, because I and her sister Missy would just miss her sooooo much! :'( We've found a few things that are supposed to help it get better, so can you please pray that they'll work? Thanks!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bunny Pics

Well... I guess I've been just posting bunny this and bunny that for that past week or so... but anyway here are some new pictures of Chloe and Missy Daisy. I couldn't get as many good pictures of Chloe because she usually does not like sitting still. btw we got their pedigrees in the mail today :)

Missy and Chloe snuggling up in the car on the way home.

Me and Missy - she was licking me :)

Another pic of Missy


rabbit ears, lol

Missy taking a little rest...

That's our dog, Guy. He's very gentle and is great friends with our rabbits.

Aw, there's Chloe... she's so cute, isn't she?

Wait! Let me fix my fur!

Friday, March 21, 2008

New bunnies!

Today we brought home the two bunnies in the pictures a few posts below this one... Their names are Chloe (short for Clover) and Missy Daisy. They are just two cute and sweet for words! Anyway I'll try to get some new pictures of them up soon. In a few days we'll be getting their pedigree in the mail; when they're old enough, we want to breed them and show them and some of their babies. I can't wait to introduce them to our dog, I just know they're going to love each other. The dog is at his sitter's place right now (we just got back from our grandma's house this afternoon, I'll tell you about that trip later too) but I think it's time to go get him now... ttyl!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Well in an hour or so we'll be leaving on our trip to my grandma's house in Erie. I think it's going to be really fun! Well not the actual car ride as much but the portable dvd players will help. :) Anyway I still have a few things to do to get ready so I should go but I'll be back in a few days and I'll miss you guys! (btw on the way back we're picking up our new rabbits, Clover/Chloe and the un-named one lol)

P.S. Can't promise any pics but I am bringing my camera.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Well, being homeschooled, I don't have a teacher to grade my schoolwork so that task falls to yours truly. Since I hadn't done any grading yet it had all piled up, so yesterday and the day before that I spent grading my history and algebra. I'm basically all done with history and halfway with algebra. I guess it's more fun than doing the actual work but I can imagine having to grade an entire classroom's work would be much harder! Still I think having a career as a teacher would be very interesting and if I don't end up being a vet's assistant I would probably enjoy teaching. After all I think I could say I already have some experience after teaching myself for seven years before this. :)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

For the Birds

Saturday, March 8, 2008


A political enemy once accused Abraham Lincoln of being two-faced. Abe laughed and said, "Now, do you think that if I had another face I’d be wearing this one?"

Monday, March 3, 2008


Well I just got back from a nearly-4-mile walk... it was so nice, it's like spring out! I hope the warm weather lasts.
Day after tomorrow we're going to the water park!!! Yippee!!!
Well I guess not much else has been going on lately so bye 4 now...