Wednesday, December 17, 2008


This morning we woke up to a lot of snow outside! We looked in Missy's cage and it looked like it had snowed in there too because she'd pulled out a bunch of her fur to make a nest. And...I MUST DECLARE IT TO THE WORLD!!!! ---today she gave birth to five bunnies!!! Sadly, she cut the cord too closely on two of them (that happens a lot with rabbits' first litters), and they didn't make it. :( But we still have 3 of them, three wriggling furless bunnies with !!! such perfect tiny little ears!!! eep! We can tell by their skin that two of them will be broken (patches of white and a darker color) and one will be solid (all one color). I hope she takes great care of them, it will be so fun to watch them grow!


Gerilyn said...

Aw! i wish i still had bunnies!