Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Okay, I know this is an ungodly hour to be awake and blogging, but I need to be held accountable for something. I was forced to take a vacation (yes, I have gotten a few chuckles out of that one) and made to go see my loving grandparents! I splashed my feet, and, thanks to an obliging wave, my shorts, in Lake Erie at Presque Isle. And I got to meet my pen pals from NY who are stuffed with AWESOMENESS!!! Anyway, now I am behind in school, and I am attempting to get caught up. Seeing as there is only like, one month of school left, I am not going to give up yet! But there are so many distractions which are, of course, distracting me from what is important right now, which is completing my school and getting good enough grades to go to college. I find that when I make lists, I tend to finish almost as much as I have planned for the day. So I have made a list, and hope to finish everything on it. Basically, my list says:
1. School (Algebra 2 assignments)
2. School (Anatomy assignments)
3. School (Technology assignments)
4. School (Spanish assignments)
5. School (government assignments)
5 1/2. (more government assignments)
6. School (American Literature Assignments)

P.S. You don't want to know the specifics because they are the boring subject matter I shall be slaving over tomorrow morning through midnight.

Summer, I need you so very much right now. I feel too tense.