Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I thought this was appropriate since it's about what tomorrow is...

In Florida , an atheist created a case against the upcoming Easter andPassover holy days. He hired an attorney to bring a discriminationcase against Christians, Jews and observances of their holy days. Theargument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognizeddays. The case was brought before a judge.After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, thejudge banged his gavel declaring,"Case dismissed!"The lawyer immediately stood objecting to the ruling saying, "Yourhonor, how can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians haveChristmas, Easter and others. The Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur andHanukkah, yet my client and all other atheists have no such holidays."The judge leaned forward in his chair saying, "But you do. Yourclient, counsel, is woefully ignorant."The lawyer said, "Your Honor, we are unaware of any special observanceor holiday for atheists."The judge said, "The calendar says April 1st is April Fools Day. Psalm14:1 states, 'The fool says in his heart, there is no God. Thus, it isthe opinion of this court, that if your client says there is no God,then he is a fool. Therefore, April 1st is his day.
Court is adjourned.

Monday, March 30, 2009


I think this past week has been the most stressful week of my life! I still don't feel myself... I had deadlines to meet for school, and I hadn't completed a lot of my work. So there I was, working as hard as I could on my school, in front of my computer about 16/7... fortunately I got extensions of a few days for my geometry, chemistry, and art class, or yeah I woulda flunked. But I completed everything due...well everything except for a formal essay on whether I think it was right for the conspirators to kill Caesar... geez... and stayed up all last night doing that. When I finally got to bed it was 5:00 am. And when I woke up it was 11:00 and my sister was stuffing a very large spoon full of mashed potatoes she made in my mouth. At first I was concerned because the concoction was, well, green, but it turned out it was just from all the herbs used to season it. Anyway, it was actually pretty good but I am hungry again. There were a bunch of wild turkeys outsidein our yard this morning, it makes me sad that most of them will probably be shot. I need to chill, relax, maybe play some Zoo Tycoon. I think I'll get a hippo and an alligator. I love that picture! whoever drew it, thanks!oh the picture's by Bill Peet. Neat.I found it on http://www.everypicture.com/index.php?sc=1I think I'll put that site in my link... I'm taking an illustration class in school so yeah I like good art, and especially funny art, like Calvin and Hobbes and this picture of two mice I saw once, the one was holding a mirror up for the other mouse, who had hardly any fur left... and there was a pair of scissors next to them. It was just so funny! faugh I think I'm getting a little goofy from lack of sleep........... until I post again...
~little ME~

Thursday, March 19, 2009

How Smart Is Your Right Foot?

TRY THIS NOW! This is so funny that it will boggle your mind. And you will keep trying it at least 50 more times to see if you can outsmart your foot.But you can't!!!
1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles with it.
2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction!!! I told you so... And there is nothing you can do about it.Make sure you pass this on to your friends... They won't be able to believe it either!!!

Hundreds attend global warming protest! :@

I got this this winter and it made me laugh; I hope it made you too!

Eastern Red-Backed Salamanders

The other day we we about to fill in this hole in our yard. But under some wet leaves in the hole I found two eastern red-backed salamanders. They're very common in Pennsylvania. So this isn't the first time we've found them. An interesting thing about them is that they don't have lungs so they "breathe" through their skin, and they need to keep their skin moist in order to breathe (like worms).

That one on the left is wriggling away. They like to wiggle on their sides like those sidewinder snakes to try to escape from predators. So the first time I saw one do that it was kinda startling.

The bigger one trying to escape ^ v

One of my favorite memories is a time several years ago, I was playing around in some woods with these boys we knew, and we found like twenty salamanders and put them in this cup. Then we took them inside their house and showed them to their mom. She was so scared she shrieked and jumped a mile high and asked us in a very shaky voice to please take those THINGS outside right away!!!

My views on littering

Here's a little persuasive speech I wrote on littering (rather, why not to litter, not like how to litter lol) for my *ahem* Literature and Composition class. I have never been good at persuasive speeches, so please bear with my feeble attempt. :/

Don't be a LITTERBUG!!!
By Yours Truly

Everyone, I have something that should be brought to your attention!
I’m sure something like this has happened to you – you’re walking along when suddenly you find that your foot is stuck to the sidewalk. You spend a few moments prying yourself free and find a glob of warm, pink, gooey gum on the bottom of your shoe. Or maybe you’re taking a walk along a country road, trying to enjoy the scenery, but it’s impossible not to notice all the loose bags and aluminum cans scattered along the side of the road. Many roads probably have enough aluminum cans alongside of them to build a small airplane! I don’t know about you, but all the ugly litter lying around really gets me down in the dumps!
The fact that it’s illegal should be enough to keep us from littering. But there are even more consequences to littering that you might not even consider. A still-smoking cigarette butt could cause a fire, a sharp object on the road could bust some poor person’s tire, and chemicals dumped in the woods could find their way into a water supply and make people sick. Animals could get caught on or choke on a bright looking bag, balloon, or candy wrapper some human has set free. It’s not that hard to keep our world clean. Instead of tossing that empty soda can or used tissue out your window, just keep it in your car for a little while until you can get to the nearest trash receptacle.
You might think, “Oh, it’s just one little piece of trash; it won’t matter.” But if everyone litters, all that trash will pile up and just look plain gross! Even things that will decompose, like food scraps, can be hazardous, e.g. slipping on banana peels, or by enticing animals to wander out close to the road to eat some food someone has tossed, thus causing accidents. You might say this is far-fetched, but you’ll be sorry if something like that happens to you!
Don’t people know that there is a reason for a littering fine in this country? I bet if everyone who littered were actually fined, there would be enough money to pay off the national debt! But I hope you have figured out by now that even if you don’t get fined for it, littering doesn’t pay!

The Urge to Create

By Michael Card

How many are your works, O Lord!In wisdom you made them all; The earth is full of your creatures.
From the old lady who fills a page with doodling as she talks on the phone, to the man who welds together dinosaurs in the middle of the desert out of wrecked car parts, all around us are examples of this mysterious, powerful urge to create, to be creative, to live out or somehow respond to the beauty of our creative Father.
Perhaps you can look around your own home and see peculiar pots or pictures you’ve created because there seemed to be no other choice but to create them. People who cannot sing or play a note fill notebooks with songs. Others labor for decades over novels without the remotest hope of ever seeing them published.
We are driven to create at this deep wordless level of the soul because we are all fashioned in the image of a God who is an Artist.
How do you react to the idea that God is an Artist? What can you say about the art he has created?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Yesterday I...

played in the snow for the first time this winter. We don't have a hill, so I built a big mound of snow for the kids (and me, hehe) to sled off. Sledding isn't good enough for my brother however. Of course he had to SURF, standing up on his sled. Because dude it's so cool, you know. hahahaha
Today I'm going to town today to get a birthday present for Alyssa.
I put some stuff on my art blog if you wanna look. I've actually been doing more art than music lately. I'm rather surprised at myself.
I'm going to go make a snowman.
But before that I guess I'll help Alyssa with her geomtry homework AGAIN. Cuz her birthday's coming up and all,
so bye