Friday, October 26, 2007

Thanks to my sister, I finally slept a wink last night. ;) She woke me up this morning because something was wrong with her computer. I won't go into detail, but she almost lost everything on there. Including the newsletter, which would have been really sad. I prayed about it and two hours later, tech support finally helped her do something about it. PTL!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

smile =)

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I was looking at this picture and I noticed that this volvox colony (it's a colony of microscopic organisms) looks kind of like a smilie face!

It's amazing how God made even the tiny things so detailed! I wonder if he made this one look like this just for me to see! =)

poor little guy

My poor betta fish died yesterday. He was pretty old, almost two years old. I can't even remember his name! He wasn't the most special fish I had, and I didn't cry when he died like I did with most of my other dead pets (which were all fish, and once a mouse). I used to bury my dead fish in our garden... Our other betta fish, Pearl, is still alive even though she is more than two years old, which is very old for a betta fish. I hope she'll live for a while yet.

I just hate seeing any animal die. My dream is to be a veterinarian!

Mi pobre ojos!

*YAWN* It's 11:? in the morning and I wish I had slept in til 11+ next morning! I don't know when I got to sleep last night. I had things to do, and I must not have slipped into bed until the wee hours. Yeah so today my poor eyeballs hurt so bad! I've decided not to wear my contact lenses because that will just make it worse. And I never wear my glasses because they are annoying and they hurt my eyes and give me an awful headache. owwwww...

my eyeballs are as red
as they are blue
I need some more sleep
so toodaloo

Thursday, October 18, 2007


The other day my family and I (all but my sister) went to the park to play frisbee. We have two of the Aerobie pro flying rings (I found the picture of one at left on google). They're really fun to throw back and forth and its actually good exercise, especially if the people throwing it to you don't have a very good throw, lol, then you have to run after it! They can sting a little if they hit you, but they're easier to catch than regular frisbees. And they fly really nice too, and can go very far. In fact, the world guiness record for frisbee throwing was made with one of these frisbees.

New Template

Yeah, I got tired of the old template, even though I love purple. How do you like the polka dots? I wanted to edit a template but since I don't know how to do anything but wild guesses with html and all that lovely computer lingo... I guess that will have to wait or not happen at all. Not like anyone cares, no one visits my blog anyway (understandably).

Sunday, October 14, 2007

What I've been doing in Biology lately

In Biology class I'm studying microscopic life. I took these pictures of some of the things I saw under the microscope. More to come!

My baptism

Three Sabbaths ago, on September 29, I was baptized. I should have posted something on it before but as you might have noticed, I'm not much into blogging lately. My sister put together a nice video compilation of it, so I'll see about putting that up soon...