that's a little something I had on my old blog.
Right now I'm taking a short break from my babysitting job, as I'm actually sitting down! Well I wrote a bit of a something, and as I said in the last post I took a bit of a trip, so tomorrow, or later today, whichever floats my boat, I'll try to write about them. To see pictures and what my sister wrote on it, you can go to her blog :
she has tons of cool pics of our trip, most of them she took (mine are probably the blurry ones!)...
I'm almost done with middle school, can you believe it?! Three more weeks, just about! And this summer I'm planning on starting high school, I want to graduate at 16. more on that later...
anyway I'm going to the park so catch u folks later...
soon you'll be starting high school,you're so smart I'm sure you'll be able to graduate when your 16 if you really want to!
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